Three Different Strategies to Capture the ‘Low-Hanging Fruit’ and Skyrocket Your Profitability.

Are you missing out on these ‘low-hanging fruit’?
Are you watching buyers walk right past your checkout line and over to your competitor?
In this post, we cover 3 Must-Have Marketing Campaigns for 2021 to make sure that you are not leaving any money on the table. Each of these campaigns has been used by thousands of companies, in hundreds of different industries.
These are campaigns that we use with our private clients that have generated up to 35X ROI.
And to be frank, if you are not utilizing these marketing campaigns then you are likely missing out on thousands of dollars.
Campaign #1: Retargeting Website Visitors
Retargeting is nothing more than showing an ad to someone based on a previous action they took. In this case, we’re talking about retargeting people that have visited your website in the past 30 days.
Why this is important: Who is more likely to become a client-someone who knows your company and even visited your website…or someone who’s never ever heard of you before?
Naturally, the person who has already shown interest in your products and
services by taking the time to visit your website is more likely going to turn into a client of yours.
That’s what this campaign is all about- focusing on those that have already spent time on your website. This gives you the best chance to turn those hot prospects into paying clients.

Here’s a retargeting ad for a surf bag that I’d been looking at for my new surf board. I didn’t follow through with the purchase so they are retargeting me to help me remember that I still need to complete my purchase.
(And yes, I still need a new bag)
Campaign #2: Retargeting Past/Existing Clients
The second must-have campaign is to retarget existing and past clients or customers.
Whenever I share this strategy with a client, I’ll often get this response: “But why would I spend money to show an ad to people that are already my clients? Can’t I just send them an email?”
Yes, you absolutely can and should send them an email.
But how many times can you send an email before it gets to be too obnoxious? And what if your past client has unsubscribed already so that they are NOT getting any of your emails?
That’s where retargeting comes in.
Instead of bombarding your clients with emails, calls, or text messages, show them a retargeting ad instead. This a powerful way to connect with clients without overwhelming them.
Remember, existing and past clients are a GOLDMINE just waiting to be tapped. These are people that already know, like, and trust you and are the MOST likely to purchase from you again and again.

Here’s an example from one of our clients, a local Vietnamese restaurant. This is a campaign directed exclusively at past clients offering them a free appetizer with the purchase of their next meal.
This campaign provides an incentive for past customers to come back in.
And because this is a custom audience that you own and control the cost to show this ad is quite a bit lower. (sa-weeet!)
Campaign #3: Lead-Generation Ads
The third and final must-have campaign is focused on generating leads. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to offer something valuable in exchange for a person’s contact information.
This free report is a great example of that. You provided your name and email address in exchange for a copy of this report. In essence, you have indicated that you are interested in growing your business and are therefore a more qualified prospect for our marketing services.

Here’s another example of a lead generation ad that we created for a client. It’s a free guide that walks people through how to rebuild and restore trust after it’s been broken.
Why this campaign: One of the reasons that a campaign like this is so vital is that it attracts the large group of people that aren’t quite ready to purchase right now. (That’s roughly 97% of the people out there, many of which will eventually become ready to buy later on)
By capturing the contact information of this audience now, you have the tremendous opportunity to continue to educate and nurture them along until they are ready to buy. And who do you think they will buy from? You, most likely!
Another reason this campaign is so effective is that most businesses (your competition) is only focused on the now buyers. They don’t want to wait for those other people to turn into buyers. This represents a HUGE opportunity for you to corner more of the market and to become the preeminent leader of your industry.
These 3 campaigns have been responsible for some of biggest wins our clients have ever had. Here’s a few examples:
- Producing over $204K in one month (nearly 2.5x their previous record)
- Attracting 324 new clients in 12 months
- Increasing overall sales by 24%
- $17,770 in sales in two weeks
- Adding 330+ new prospects in one month
And many of our client success stories feature one or all of these campaigns.
Isn’t that exciting??
Free Strategy Call
We love sharing what’s been working with our clients (and what’s not). Schedule a Free Strategy Call centered squarely around your business.
During your call, we’ll dive into our recommendations for your business based on where you’re at currently and where you’d like to be in the near future.
Plan on 20-30 minutes of strategy, campaigns, and ideas.
To schedule, click the button below and schedule a time.