Last year, I decided to finally build a treehouse with the girls. With the shutdown caused by the pandemic, I figured it was “the perfect time.” This would give my kids something to do while they were isolated.
It turned out great, complete with a balcony, hammocks and even a trap door for our rabbit, Handsome, who has become my BFF as the only other male in the home 🙂

But here’s the thing: if I would have waited, it would have cost me roughly 4 TIMES the amount to build that same treehouse because the cost of lumber has skyrocketed. I honestly don’t think I would have done it had I waited.
I am so glad that I decided to get started when I did.
This brings me to the point…
What are you really wanting to do that you haven’t started yet?
Perhaps it’s a new product idea.
Or a new application for an existing service.
Or maybe it’s finally getting yourself that new speedo. (“It’s for my…uh…swim workouts”)
But the cost of waiting (just like with the cost of lumber) can unexpectedly shoot up. Cost aside, you also forfeit the tremendous benefits you could have enjoyed had you committed yourself and gotten started.
As always, I tend to write about things that I personally need the most help with. Hopefully this can jumpstart your thinking and stimulate some sort of action. If so, please report back.