5 Story-Based Emails That Generate Sales, Referrals, And Rock-Solid Rapport

Simply use one of these templates when you need an unique way to contact your email list and see what happens.

Stories suck people in and command their attention. This is exactly why you see behemoths like Facebook & Instagram using ‘Stories’ and ‘Reels’ to pull users in…because stories flat-out work.

And those who use story-based emails report higher engagement, increased sales, and an improved love life. (Okay, maybe not the latter!)

Best of all, I’ve already written them for you. Just take my templates and personalize to your liking in about 2 minutes.

Then broadcast this out to your list and see what happens.

I’m giving 5 of my favorite templates to you for free because I want to show you the power of an entertaining email. No strings attached. Just put your name and email below and I’ll send it straight to your inbox. (So be sure to enter your best email address)

Grab your copy right now. You could be minutes away the right tool to drive new sales from your email list.

* We will not spam, rent, or sell your information *