Story-based emails that generate sales, referrals, and rock-solid rapport.
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I can still remember the RUSH I felt when I…

First discovered the response I got using entertaining, story-based emails.

-Repeat sales…
-Customer loyalty up the wazoo.

Heck – I still feel that SAME EXCITEMENT…

Each time I see the feedback that comes pouring in from these sales emails.

And it’s no secret why, out of the…

Hundreds of ways to grow your business…

An email list is the ONLY business asset with a return of $44 for every $1 spent (Forbes).

That’s a 4,400% ROI.

Which is why it’s within reason to claim…

That being able to consistently send out compelling emails every month…

Could very quickly boost sales, referrals, and retention.

Recently, I put together 5 of my favorite sales emails…

To help show you the power of a well-worded email.

Here’s a quick snapshot of each of them:

  • The Treehouse Email – The Cost of Waiting
  • The Leaky Shower – WHO Not How
  • The Future You – Future-Pacing
  • The Wrong Gift – Second Chance
  • Anniversary Email – Thank You + Offer


These 5 Sales Emails will help you reinforce relationships with your existing clients…

Leading to repeat business, increased referrals, and improved retention…

And allow you to STOP wasting time posting on social media, creating YouTube videos, or making sales calls.

(P.S. – you’ll also receive my ‘Resurrection Email’ that revives dead leads…a simple way to recapture lost sales in less than 60 seconds)

What could it hurt to try it out?

Enter your best email to download your copy.